
Katelyn and Carly are two amazing little girls.  They are ordinary kids that were busy with dance, Girl Scouts and friends when life changed.

In the fall of 2007 they developed lesions which quickly spread, covering their body. Their ordinary life suddenly changed.  Classmates questioned, parents pointed and many tears were shed.  It took several months before we received the diagnosis of Psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a chronic disease of the immune system often triggered by injury, infection or stress.

The girls trigger was a Strep infection which they passed back and forth for an extended period of time.  There is a genetic component to the disease, however at the time of diagnosis we knew of no one with this disease.

Immediately following our diagnosis the girls began UV treatments, with no relief.  They then began weekly Methotraxate Injections which continued for one year.

During that time we educated ourselves, found support among others in the Psoriasis Community and made it our mission to help other children battling this disease.